Re: CCL:AIM critical points analysis
- From: "Nathaniel O.J. Malcolm"
- Organization: Tripos UK Ltd.
- Subject: Re: CCL:AIM critical points analysis
- Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 09:07:09 -0100 (BST)
L(r) is actually -Laplacian(rho), this may seem a pedantic point but
has very great significance when considering the basins of this
function (rather than simply the critical points).
>>Hello Segio!
>>These variables mean:
>>Vnuc - The nuclear potential distribution;
>>V - The potential energy density - trace of the stress vector;
>>L(r) - Just the Laplcian of RHO
>>If you use AIMPACK you can find some interesting information on the
>>official site:
>>> Dear colleagues,
>>> I am trying to analyse the critical points for a molecule,
>>> but I didn't found the exact meaning of some variables as
>>> L(r), Vnuc(r) and V(r).
>>> Thank you very much in advance,
>>> Sergio Galembeck
>>Best regards,
>> Ivan Fedyanin mailto:octy$at$
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Dr. N.O.J. Malcolm
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