ccl: 6-31G** basis-set in G98 for Ge

 I'm wondering were the 6-31G** basis-set for Ge in G98 originates
 from? Since I can only find 6-31G** basis-sets upto Zn at for
 instance the EMSL Basis Set Library site. Furthermore, it doesn't
 really strike me as 6-31G** (more functions, no f functions for
 polarization, see below). Anybody a guess?
 Thanx in advance,
 Martijn Zwijnenburg
  18 0
  S    8 1.00
   0.4890000000D+06  0.2220000000D-03
   0.7310000000D+05  0.1728000000D-02
   0.1664000000D+05  0.8950000000D-02
   0.4742000000D+04  0.3590500000D-01
   0.1569000000D+04  0.1128400000D+00
   0.5770000000D+03  0.2874800000D+00
   0.2290000000D+03  0.4344900000D+00
   0.9481000000D+02  0.3068300000D+00
  S    2 1.00
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   0.1245000000D+02  0.1114450000D+01
  S    1 1.00
   0.3642000000D+01  0.1000000000D+01
  S    1 1.00
   0.1502000000D+01  0.1000000000D+01
  S    1 1.00
   0.2462000000D+00  0.1000000000D+01
  S    1 1.00
   0.9209000000D-01  0.1000000000D+01
  P    6 1.00
   0.3596000000D+04  0.1442000000D-02
   0.8437000000D+03  0.1244200000D-01
   0.2662000000D+03  0.6469400000D-01
   0.9828000000D+02  0.2186650000D+00
   0.3993000000D+02  0.3933500000D+00
   0.1714000000D+02  0.4345300000D+00
  P    3 1.00
   0.7157000000D+01  0.2499750000D+00
   0.3068000000D+01  0.4693800000D+00
   0.1246000000D+01  0.2889600000D+00
  P    1 1.00
   0.2795000000D+00  0.1000000000D+01
  P    1 1.00
   0.8340000000D-01  0.1000000000D+01
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   0.8301000000D+00  0.2864800000D+00
  D    1 1.00
   0.2020000000D+00  0.1000000000D+01
 Martijn Zwijnenburg
 Lab. of Applied Organic Chemistry and Catalysis
 Delft University of Technology
 Julianalaan 136
 2628 BL Delft
 The Netherlands
 Tel: 0031-(0)152782691
 Fax: 0031-(0)152784700
 e-mail: M.A.Zwijnenburg*at*
 web page: