ccl: gopenmol
- From: "Martijn Zwijnenburg"
- Organization: Delft University of Technology (TNW-DCT)
- Subject: ccl: gopenmol
- Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:40:58 +0200
Does anybody know how to change the default values for bond-lengths
in Gopenmol? I want to visualise a trajectory of a molecule but some
bonds are not drawn (or dissapaer during the visualisation) because
the bonds are too or become too long.
Martijn Zwijnenburg
Lab. of Applied Organic Chemistry and Catalysis
Delft University of Technology
Julianalaan 136
2628 BL Delft
The Netherlands
Tel: 0031-(0)152782691
Fax: 0031-(0)152784700
e-mail: M.A.Zwijnenburg*at*
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