CAS-SCF active space
- From: Jamie Platts <Platts^at^>
- Subject: CAS-SCF active space
- Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 16:45:47 +0100 (BST)
Hi Folks - I wonder if I can ask your advice on selecting active spaces
for CAS-SCF calculations. I have a system which wants to form a broken-
symmetry singlet UHF wavefunction, rather than the expected RHF one.
The natural orbitals from this (152 e) UHF wavefunction look like:
71 72 73 74 75
EIGENVALUES -- 1.97076 1.95176 1.94478 1.78912 1.46209
76 77 78 79 80
EIGENVALUES -- 1.22142 0.77858 0.53791 0.21088 0.05522
Can I safely ignore everything up to 73, and use a (6,6) active space
made up of 74 to 79? Or is 1.95/0.05 too big to ignore?
Many thanks in advance,
Jamie Platts
Dept. of Chemistry Phone: +44 (0) 2920 874950
Cardiff University Email: platts^at^
P.O. Box 912 FAX: +44 (0) 2920 874030
Cardiff CF10 3TB