Summary of ONIOM calculation

Dear Everyone,

I would like to thank who get me the following usefull answer to my question.


Original Query:



Dear All,

i performed a two layers ONIOM calculation (AM1:amber) on a complex enzyme-substrate. The problem that i have is that AMBER requires all the parameters for the ligand, even though the ligand belongs to the QM shell.

Is there any ways to circonvent this problem?

Thanks in advance.







Dear Daniele,

I have never used AMBER, so maybe what I am going to say is nonsense, but when running QM/MM simulations with CHARMM you also have to provide parameters for the QM part, but as the program does not use them, you can provide any stupid set of numbers as long as they are with the correct format (they are used to create the topology file, but then they are replaced). Maybe you can try this to see if it works. Regards,



Olalla Nieto Faza

Dpto. Quimica Organica

Universidade de Vigo

Lagoas-Marcosende 36200 Vigo (Spain)

e-mail: faza$at$



Mr. Bellocchi,


   This is a common mis-understanding with the ONIOM method. All atoms are computed at the low level, once with the real system and once with just the model system which are the atoms you have in the QM region.  Then a calculation is done with the QM method on the model system and the energy is computed,


  E(oniom) = E (1) + E (2) - E (2)

              lo      hi      lo


where 1 is the full set of atoms and 2 are the atoms in the model system.  hi and lo refer to the levels of theory.


   So, you do need to have AMBER parameters for the ligand.  In some cases the contributions will cancel but not always and so Gaussian computes them.


   Which version of Gaussian are you using?  Gaussian 03 allows you to supply additional parameters which can fix most of these cases.


Douglas J. Fox

  Technical Support

  Gaussian, Inc.




Hello Daniele,


As far as I am aware, the reason why potentials for

the entire system would be required is because of the

way ONIOM uses to calculate the energies (of the QM

part of your system).




E (whole) =   E (AM1,QM part) + E (AMBER, whole)

                  - E (AMBER, QM part)


A better explanation can be found in:

I. Roggero, B. Civalleri, P. Ugliengo, Chem. Phys.

Letts. 341 (2001) 625-632


Plus also the original Morokuma papers about ONIOM.


Hope this helps to some extent.

Good luck

Best Regards



Naseem A. Ramsahye

Postdoctoral Researcher

Royal Institution of Great Britain

21 Albemarle Street, London, W1S 4BS, UK







Best Regards


Daniele Bellocchi, PhD Student

Molecular Modeling Section

Istituto di Chimica e Tecnologia del Farmaco

University of Perugia
