Compiling envelop of aimpac suite....

Hi to all
 I4ve tried to compile envelop program in redhat 9.0 and I found a
 mistake inside the code. I think it4s a problem in the files
 downloading, but after fixed it, I found compilation problems. Has
 anyone compiled envelop in redhat 9.0  ? Is it a compiler problem? I
 haven4t any problem compiling proaimv, gridv, ext94v.
 I would apreciate If someone can give the binary compiled under
 linux Redhat 9.0 or any help to compile it.
 Thank you in advance.
 Sergio Garay
 J.T.P. Practica Profesional
 Facultad de Bioquimica y Cs. Biologicas
 Universidad Nacional del Litoral
 Santa Fe (3000)- Paraje "El Pozo"