Re: CCL:Autodock compile

 Dear Yang
You need g++ to compile autodock. You can replace your C++ part in your makefile with the following:
 CC        = pgCC  # change this to g++
 LIB       = -lm
 CSTD      = -DHPPA $(PROF) $(DBUG) $(WARN)
 CFLAGS    = $(OPT)
 OPT       = $(CSTD) $(OPTLEVEL)
 OLIMIT    = $(OPT)
 LINK      = $(LINKOPT)
 LINT      = lint
 DBUG      = -DNDEBUG # No debugging and no assert code
 PROF      = # No profiling
 WARN      = # Default warning level
 If this can't pass compliation, you can try ifc8.0.
 Good Luck!
 Yong Liang Yang wrote:
 Dear CCL users:
 I am a newbie to Autodock and I have some troubles to compile
 the /src/autodock and /src/protonate subprogram. We do not have
 CC and F77 compiler so we use GNU compiler. However, when I try
 to compile /protonate and type " make " , it still complains can
 not find F77 compiler. And when I try to compile /autodock, it complains
 " ld32: error 33 : unresolved text symbol, operator new (unsigned)
--1st reference by main.o " (I did change the corresponding part in Makefile CC=gcc before I tried to compile it). I hope computer gurus
 or Autodock gurus could help me fix this problem. Many thanks in
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