Dear CCLers,
I am having some troubles in using many processors,
%NProcLinda= 8 or more,
for large molecular systems (more than than 60 atoms)
for G03/linda. In those
cases, only one node work and other nodes assigned to
are idle all the time.
But for small jobs(less atoms) with less CPU
procesors, like %NProcLinda=4 or
less, the job is paralleling well. Does
anybody have any experience about this
G03/linda parallel problem? Our
computer system are PC clusters with 128
Dual-Xeon Nodes. The details are
shown in the following pages. We are using
PBS for job sumitting.
in advance.
P.S. Our administrator can not solve
the problem right now and wish to get a
solution from the vendor.
Cunyuan Zhao
Department of Chemistry
The University of Hong Kong, Hong
Email: zhaocy!at!
Tel:(852)2859 8947