Call for Papers - International Conference on Chemical Structures 2005

Title: Call for Papers - International Conference on Chemical Structures 2005

It is my pleasure to announce the first "Call for Papers" for the 7th International Conference on Chemical Structures to be held June 5-9, 2005 at the beautiful Congress Center in Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.  The conference is jointly organized by the Division of Chemical Information of the American Chemical Society (CINF), Chemical Structure Association Trust (CSA Trust), Division of Chemical Information and Computer Science of the Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ), Chemistry-Information-Computer Division of the Society of German Chemists (GDCh), Royal Netherlands Chemical Society (KNCV), Chemical Information Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), and the Swiss Chemical Society (SCS).

The main scientific program will be divided into five plenary sessions:

   o  Cheminformatics
   o  Structure-Activity and Structure-Property Prediction
   o  Structure-Based Design and Virtual Screening
   o  Analysis of Large Data Sets
   o  Bridging the Cheminformatics-Bioinformatics Gap

In addition, there will be a new product review session for commercial presentations and an extended poster session will be part of the scientific program.

Please refer to the conference web site at for more information, including online abstract submission and conference registration.

Bob Snyder, ICCS Program Chair
Markus Wagener, Vice Chair