When you carry out one experiment per week, you can store your results on cards or in a paper notebook and analyze the numbers using a slide rule. When you run a thousand experiments per day, your requirements change. The results of your experiments are captured electronically and the systems you used to query, browse and analyze your data better be fast, organized and intelligent.
At the American Chemical Society National Meeting next Spring in San Diego (March 13-17, 2005) the Division of Chemical Information will present a symposium on ‘Informatics and High Throughput Experimentation’ and we are looking for speakers.
Does your organization have a novel strategy for handling high throughput experimental data? Do you have an interesting application to share? An architecture you’re working on?
Please consider giving a talk at the symposium in San Diego!
The best way to submit an abstract is online at The deadline for submissions in November 23, 2004.
If you have any questions or need help, please contact me at mmiller/at/ or 801/569-1390.
Thanks, Mitch Miller
Mitchell Miller, Ph.D. Voice: 801 569-1390 mmiller/at/
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