ECCC10 April 2004 - Call for Papers

ECCC10 Announcement
 Dear colleagues,
 I am very pleased to invite your participation in the 10th Electronic
 Computational Chemistry Conference. ECCC10 will be held April 1-30 2005,
 entirely on the Internet, at As with the
 previous nine ECCCs, ECCC10 has NO registration fee and is a completely
 virtual, online conference.
 We are pleased to announce that Dr. Donald G. Truhlar (University of
 Minnesota) has agreed to present the keynote address to ECCC10. Dr.
 Truhlar is an internationally respected expert in computational
 chemistry and chemical physics who to date has co-authored nearly 700
 research publications. The proceedings will be published in a special
 issue of Theoretical Chemistry Accounts.
 The ECCC is a multidisciplinary, international conference and spans all
 aspects of computational and theoretical chemistry and materials
 science, as well as computational molecular biology, computational and
 theoretical molecular and atomic physics, visualization,
 cheminformatics, the history of computational chemistry, computational
 chemistry and education, and all related fields. Participants will be
 able to view the presentations and discuss them entirely through a web
 browser. The ECCC was originally developed by Steven Bachrach, who also
 organized the first five meetings.
 Abstracts for all contributions to ECCC10 will be peer-reviewed to
 insure novelty, scientific  value, and appopriateness for inclusion in
 the conference. This peer review is directed by members of the ECCC10
 Scientific Organizing Committee, who have volunteered to help with all
 aspects of the conference.
 The members of the ECCC10 SOC are:
 Robert Topper, Monmouth University (Chair)
 Frederick R. Bennett, CSIRO Minerals
 David Chatfield, Florida International University
 Olga Dmitrenko, University of Delaware
 Guangyu Sun , NCI-Frederick, NIH
 Mark Tuckerman, New York University
 Amir Weitz, RAFAEL
 This year, following peer review of the abstracts we plan to publish a
 virtual online booklet of the accepted abstracts online sometime after
 the conference ends. In addition, presenting authors can elect to submit
 their work for additional peer review and publication in a special
 ECCC10 Proceedings issue of Theoretical Chemistry Accounts.
 All presentations must be made in HTML format and ideally will take full
 advantage of the interactive nature of the World-Wide Web (using
 animations, hyperactive molecules, etc.) to present their findings and
 conclusions. Authors may choose to either serve their contributions from
 their own local web site, or may request us to serve them from our own
 server. Uploaded contributions will be removed from our
 server at the end of ECCC10.
 As in ECCC8 and ECCC9, a single weeklong "interactive" session will be
 part of the
 conference. This session will be held via asynchronous posting of
 questions to the conference site, which authors can choose to receive
 either at the site, at their personal email account, or both. All
 authors must commit to having at least one coauthor available to answer
 questions (i.e. by checking the discussion board at least once daily)
 during the "interactive" session to provide timely responses (within
 approximately 24 hours) to any questions that conferees may have about
 their online presentation.
 Important dates for ECCC10 are:
 December 1, 2004   Registration (free) for ECCC10 begins
 January 28, 2005 - Abstracts must be submitted on the conference website
 March 24, 2005 - Final presentations of accepted presentations due
 April 1, 2005 - ECCC10 begins
 April 11, 2005   Interactive Session begins
 April 18, 2005   Interactive Session ends
 April 30, 2005   ECCC10 ends
 June 30, 2005   Submissions to the ECCC10 Proceedings due
 As mentioned above, all ECCC10 presentations must be in HTML format,
 with their layout and presentation at the discretion of the authors.
 Authors who wish to submit an article to the ECCC10 Proceedings will
 need to develop their contribution according to the editorial standards
 and accepted formats of Theoretical Chemistry Accounts.
 We greatly look forward to your participation in ECCC10, and ask you to
 please encourage your colleagues and students to participate in what
 should be an excellent meeting.
 Robert Q. Topper
 Chair and Associate Professor
 Department of Chemistry, Medical Technology and Physics
 Monmouth University
 400 Cedar Avenue
 West Long Branch, NJ 07764-1898
 (732)571-4418 (voice);(732)263-5213 (fax)