Re: CCL:What software will work?

 Dear Professor Boyd:
Our software "Molecular Design Suite (MDS)" has facility to obtain conformations of organic molecules using Monte Carlo method with MMFF force field. Please have a look at and register for demo license at
MDS is capable of meeting ALL your requirements. I am sending you more details in a separate mail.
 Thank you.
 Sudhir Kulkarni, Ph.D.
 VLife Sciences Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
 At 09:42 PM 11/24/2004, boyd)at( wrote:
 We are seeking recommendations on software that can do ALL the following:
 * run Monte Carlo conformational searches on organic molecules with
 200-300 atoms.
 * use the MMFF force field.
 * select which torsional angles are free to rotate and set their step size.
 * fix some torsional angles.
 * analyze the conformers produced, such as exporting the resulting
 torsional angles and energies to a spreadsheet.
 We have tried SYBYL, MacroModel, Spartan, Cerius2, Quanta, and InsightII.
 In each case, the software was unable to provide a solution.
 Thankful for your giving recommendations,
 Donald B. Boyd, Ph.D.
 Department of Chemistry
 Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
 E-mail boyd)at(
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