[QSAR-devel] Chemical Semantic Web and Thanks (fwd from
- From: Eugen Leitl <eugen|at|leitl.org>
- Subject: [QSAR-devel] Chemical Semantic Web and Thanks (fwd from
- Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2004 11:51:52 +0100
----- Forwarded message from Peter Murray-Rust <pm286|at|cam.ac.uk>
From: Peter Murray-Rust <pm286|at|cam.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2004 09:50:16 +0000
To: JOELib devel <joelib-devel|at|lists.sourceforge.net>,
JOELib help <joelib-help|at|lists.sourceforge.net>,
cdk <cdk-devel|at|lists.sourceforge.net>,
Octet Developer <octet-devel|at|lists.sourceforge.net>,
QSAR Development <qsar-devel|at|lists.sourceforge.net>,
Beda Kosata <beda|at|zirael.org>
Subject: [QSAR-devel] Chemical Semantic Web and Thanks
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.1.1
[Crossposted to several OpenSource lists - please reply thoughtfully. I
will collate significant replies]
I presented an invited lecture at the Royal Soc Chem yesterday on "The
Chemical Semantic Web" and highlighted the impressive contribution of the
Open Source movement in chemistry. I hope I managed to acknowledge most
people's contributions. It generated a lively discussion in which, I think,
the Open Source approach came out very positively.
Two common negative questions were presented:
"Who pays for it"
the implication was that if there was no commercial development the
software was second-class and there was no future for it. My response was
that the code would be eagerly adopted by the bioinformatics community
(strongly confirmed by Mike Ashburner) and we are starting to set up strong
links with the Bioinformatics community on small molecules. This question
came from the pharma industry and so I challenged them to put something
back into the communal process. It's noticeable that the pharma industry is
a consumer of our efforts but has not contributed anything in return and
continues to pay for overpriced software products that do not use modern
methodology. (I spent 15 years in Glaxo so I feel I have a right to
criticise the industry). I know that pharma industry reads this list and I
would be delighted if there were some who wished to support communal
activity. [I would suggest they mail me directly and I will summarise
replies. All replies will be assumed to be Open unless specifically
indicated]. One approach would be to support a physical workshop on
chemical open source. Particular topics could be:
- markup languages
- communal chemical ontologies (e.g. descriptors)
- Open datasets
- use of InChI (we are very excited about this)
- graphical components
- common code libraries
- web services (I'll mail later)
The only contribution that I know of from the pharma industry to
chemoinformatics is the JME editor which is free, but despite repeated
requests is not Open and not likely to be. It could be withdrawn at any time.
"Open source is unfair to commercial developers"
I think this attitude is particularly strong in the US and perhaps Germany.
The idea is that public funding should not be used to compete against
commercial organisations. As Mike Ashburner replied, most Open software in
bioinformatics is written by people on short term contracts often with no
possibility of extension. I know that made contributors to these lists do
not have jobs. I developed much of CML when I was unemployed after being
made redundant from Glaxo.
I would be more (slightly) more sympathetic to this view if the chemical
software industry provided anything substantial to the community. I know of
no support for Open efforts from the chemical software industry other than
a very undersupported effort to get an Open Management Group spec for
chemistry. I was invited to contribute CML as the core of this spec, but
even then it was made clear that I would not even have my (foreign) travel
expenses paid - even though I had no job.
Note that "free" is not good enough and may even by counterproductive.
Closed software often stifles development as there is no API and the
software can be withdrawn at any time. That is why we are so keen to see a
JChempaint component as a universal Open chemical editor for the web.
In fact I think the tide is turning. The components that you are all
developing are ideal for Web Services, which will have the potential to
rapidly become a major player in the chemoinformatics market. Between the
members of this community we have standards, data, transformers,
algorithms, repositories, query languages, graphics and much more. I'll put
forward a strategy in the next mail(s).
Meanwhile - when you are hacking the latest set of bugs at 0200 in the
morning, take heart - it really is appreciated - and yes - the day of Open
Source for "chemistry" is dawning. In fact I think the centre of
gravity of
chemical software development is starting to shift towards bioscience [and
materials] so that people will simply refer to the informatics of small
molecules as "bioinformatics"
Many thanks to those who have sponsored our Open Source development: Royal
Soc. Chemistry, Nature Publishing Group, Cyprotex. More about this later.
Peter Murray-Rust
Unilever Centre for Molecular Informatics
Chemistry Department, Cambridge University
Lensfield Road, CAMBRIDGE, CB2 1EW, UK
Tel: +44-1223-763069
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Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a>
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