Re: CCL:Computation Resource Requirement.

I thank you all for your valuable suggestions on my issue of coumputation resource requirement. I think they are of big help to me.
 Kadir Diri wrote:
Hi! What you can do to get an idea about the timings on a single cpu is the following: do a smaller calculation (smaller basis set and/or smaller molecule). Then scale the timings accordingly for larger basis sets and more atoms. In Hartree-Fock, the 2 electron integrals will scale as N^4 but the integral transformation will scale as N^5. As to the case with multiple CPU`s, it depends on many factors, for example on how good the code that you use is. Also, the speed will vary from one architecture to another. It is also important how the code works, i.e. whether it uses shared memory on a multiple cpu machine or whether it runs across many nodes. There are probably many other factors, like the speed and the configuration of the network, so it is not very easy to answer that part of your question, but you will be able to figure out the answer after a few test calculations.
 Pijush Ghosh wrote:
 CCL Users,
being new to the field of computational quantum mechanics, i have a basic question on the requirement of the resources for this type of computation. Can anybody cite any reference where i can get some relation between number of processors and time required with that of number of atoms in a system , basis set used, etc. In my system of Hydroxyapatite- polymer I have the following details:
 atom                 number
 Calcium              20
 Phosphorous      12
 Oxygen              54
 Hydrogen           10
 Carbon                 3
 Basis set -            6-31+G**
 Method -              HF (Hartree Fock)
can somebody give idea on processor-hour required. All my simulations are run on NCSA machines.
 All suggesions and information appreciated in advance.
 Pijush Ghosh.
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