Re: CCL:Gaussian PBC input files?

 Of course I forgot the blank line at the end of the input file. D'oh!
 Sorry for the silly mistake.
 -Dr. Geoffrey Hutchison		<grh25[at]>
 Abruqa Group, Molelectronics	(607) 255-7568
 Cornell Chemistry
 On Dec 8, 2004, at 5:55 PM, enb[at] wrote:
Put a blank line or several at the end of the file and see if that works. Almost everything in Gaussian is blank line terminated. If the file is just coordinates to the end of the file, gaussian reads til the end of the coords and then tries to read another line, gets an end of file error, and quits. With the blank line, it reads to the end of the coordinates, reads a blank line
 which tells it coords are finished, and then precedes to either do the
 calculation or read in other things it has been directed to do.
 Ed Brothers.
 Quoting Geoff Hutchison <grh25[at]>:
 I've been trying to run PBC calculations with g03 unsuccessfully. (I'm
 currently trying g03 C.02, but have tried older versions too.) This is
 running on a Linux box, and runs other Gaussian jobs just fine.
 Here's my test file -- it's for graphite, and was quite literally
 copied out of the G03 manual. (I figured I was having problems with
 input in *my* files first, so I decided to try theirs...)
 #n HF/6-31+G* SCF=Tight PBC(NKPoint=48,CellRange=20)
 0  1
 C                   0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
 C                   0.000000    1.429118    0.000000
 TV                  2.475315    0.000000    0.000000
 TV                 -1.219952    2.133447    0.000000
 In return, I get: (lots of stuff, and carbon coordinates) ...
   TV                    2.47532   0.        0.
   TV                   -1.21995   2.13345   0.
   End of file in ZSymb.
   Error termination via Lnk1e in /usr/local/g03/l101.exe at Wed Dec  8
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
 -Dr. Geoffrey Hutchison		<grh25[at]>
 Abruqa Group, Molelectronics	(607) 255-7568
 Cornell Chemistry
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