CCG Excellence Award Winners - ACS Washington, D.C. Fall 2005.

 Dear Chemistry Community,
It is my distinct pleasure to announce that the following individuals have been selected by a panel of experts to receive ACS COMP Division's CCG Excellence Awards during a special ceremony at the Fall 2005 ACS National Meeting in Washington, D.C. These awards are co-sponsored by the Chemical Computing Group and the ACS COMP Division to increase graduate student participation in ACS National meetings. Please join us at the awards ceremony to honor these recipients: (presented in no particular order)
 Jason DeChancie (UCLA - Prof. Ken Houk)
 Nick Wright (University of Illinois, Urbana - Prof. Nancy Makri)
 Barun Bhhatarai (Clarkson University - Prof. Rahni Garg)
 Manoj Athawale (RPI Chemical Engineering - Prof. Shekhar Garde)
 Christopher Harrison (Notre Dame - Prof. Olaf Wiest)
 Kun Song (SUNY Stony Brook - Prof. Carlos Simmerling)
 Elaine Chan (University of Michigan - Prof. Sharon Glotzer)
 Jeremy Moix (Georgia Tech - Prof. Rigoberto Hernandez)
 Jun Cui (University of Pittsburgh - Prof. Ken Jordan)
 Ben Mintz (University of North Texas - Prof. Angela Wilson)
 Prof. Curt M. Breneman
 RPI Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
 COMP Division Treasurer