CCL:Viewing diffuse orbitals

In MOLDEN you can play with space and egde values.
 Those can be adjusted by using 'space' button, and by using 'Plot Plane'=>
 edge=LargeValue (like 40 may be) for diffuse orbitals.
 Anastassia N. Alexandrova, PhD
 Chemistry & Biochemistry, USU
 0300 Old Main Hill
 Logan Utah 84322-0300
 Tel: +1-435-797-7507
 Fax: +1-435-797-3390
 Quoting Nicolas Ferri <nicolas.ferre ::>:
 > Dear ccl,
 > I am looking for an orbital viewer, with special interest on very
 > diffuse functions, actually Rydberg-type orbitals obtained from a molcas
 > job. I just tried molden, without luck. Maybe I am missing a trick with
 > molden, but I don't believe that there exists a zoom in molden's orbital
 > mode.
 > --
 >   ***********           Dr. Nicolas Ferre'           ***********
 >   Laboratoire de Chimie Theorique et de Modelisation Moleculaire
 >   UMR 6517 - CNRS Universites Aix-Marseille             Case 521
 >   Centre de Saint-Jerome      13397 - Marseille Cedex 20, France
 >   Tel : (+33)              Fax : (+33)
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