Energy decomposition with G03

 Dear CCLers,
 I am using Gaussian03 to analyse a molecule consisting of two fragments
linked by a weak bond (kind of H-bond). I would like to analyse the energetical origin of this bond with some kind of energy decomposition scheme. i thought that the Morokuma scheme was available in G03 but I cannot find the right keyword, can you help me ?
 Do you know some other tools that can provide such an analysis ?
On the same topic, I would also like to analyse this complexe using a fragment approach (because in some cases, the two fragment are in fact part of a larger molecule that adopts a cyclic geometry). I was using such a tool within the exthuc program (FMO option), and I know that there is something similar in ADF... but I cannot find anything in G03... do you know a tool for this ?
 Thanks in advance,
 Fleurat-Lessard Paul, Lecturer  e-mail:
 Laboratoire de Chimie
 Ecole Normale Supirieure de Lyon              Tel: + 33 (0)4 72 72 81 54
 46, Allie d'Italie                            Fax: + 33 (0)4 72 72 88 60
 69364 Lyon Cedex 07
 Si vous ne pouvez expliquer un concept ` un enfant de six ans,
 c'est que vous ne le comprenez pas complhtement.
                  Albert Einstein