Fourth MERCURY Conference for Undergraduate Computational Chemistry

Dear Colleagues,
 We are pleased to announce the Fourth MERCURY Conference for Undergraduate
 Computational Chemistry.  The Conference will be held July 27-29th, 2005, at
 Hamilton College, in Clinton, NY.  The conference will feature plenary lectures
 by  Igor Alabugin, Florida State University; Emily Carter, Princeton University;
 Anna Krylov, University of Southern California; Ann Mattsson, Sandia National
 Laboratories; Adrian Roitberg, University of Florida; Ilja Siepmann, University
 of Minnesota; and John Tully, Yale University.  In addition mainstays of the
 conference include an Undergraduate Poster Session and evening social sessions.
 This conference represents an excellent forum for undergraduates to present
 their work and to learn from experts in the field, allowing them to put their
 own research in perspective.  It is equally valuable as a network for faculty
 working with undergraduates.  Undergraduates from all institutions are invited
 to come present their work.
 Conference Fees are $200 for faculty, postdocs, or graduate students, and $100
 for undergraduates, and include registration, housing, and meals.  Details of
 the conference and information on registration and submission of Abstracts can
 be found on our web site:
  Carol Parish,
  on behalf of MERCURY,
  the Molecular Education and Research Consortium in Undergraduate computational
 Carol Parish, Ph.D.
 Associate Professor
 Department of Chemistry
 Gottwald Science Center, C-209
 University of Richmond
 28 Westhampton Way
 Richmond, VA 23173
 Phone: 804-484-1548
 Fax: 804-287-1897 <>;