W:gOpenMol and Gamess MO plotting

 I am interested in plotting MO's computed using GAMESS-US. I've tried several
 programs with limited succes (molden, molekel, orbdraw) and now I am trying
 Looking at the manual etc I need to generate a cube file that will be converted
 to the plt format read by gOpenMol using a plugin. However, it is not clear to
 me how to generate the cube file using GAMESS-US.
 GAMESS-US can compute a variety of properties, ie. electron density,
 electrostatic potential, etc. but I don't see an option for MO's. Moreover,
 these are computed either a set of user defined points (option POINTS), in a
 plane (option GRID), and as multiples of the van der wall surface (option PDC).
 There is no option for a 3D cube like gaussian's cube.
 Obviously, you can take the GRID or POINTS options and generate a cube from
 these, but then you have to find out the format expected by the plugin,
 i.e. what axis run fastest, etc.
 Any one willing to shed some light on how to proceed before I engage in writing
 code to do some of this stuff?
 1) How do you generate the 3D cube using GAMESS-US?
 2) Is it possible to plot GAMESS-US MO's using gOpenMoL? I do have the MO's from
 running a SCF run, but I would like to know if it is possible to
 "coax" GAMESS-US into computing the cube data needed by gOpenMol.
 G. Mercier
 gamercier #%# yahoo.com
 gustavom #%# baylorhealth.edu