RE: about excess electron transfer theoretical study
- From: "Close, David M."
- Subject: RE: about excess electron transfer theoretical study
- Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2005 20:38:35 -0400
There are lots of paper by Yuri Berlin at Northwestern on the theory of
transport in DNA. I think there are also theoretical papers by Schuster
at Georgia Tech.
I don't keep up with this story. I haven't liked it from the beginning.
I am a radiation chemist. To say that DNA is a molecular wire is silly.
You can irradiate a Cu wire all you want, and not get any free radicals.
Since the wire conducts charge, the charges merely recombine. If DNA
were a wire it to would have no build up of radiation induced charges.
But it is well know that DNA has a very high G-value (a measure of
radicals produced per unit of energy deposited).
-----Original Message-----
From: Computational Chemistry List [mailto:chemistry-request|at|] On
Behalf Of jz7|at|
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 1:49 PM
Subject: CCL:about excess electron transfer theoretical study
Dear all,
I am reading about study on excess electron transfer (mainly thgouth DNA
or pi-stack system). Although there are more and more experiments on
I didn't find much theoretical reference talking about method study it.
there really no such publication? Anyone who has seen it or know where I
can find it please give me some help! Any information would be helpful,
even reference on the conducticity of DNA would be helpful.
Thanks a lot!
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