Re: CCL:Reflection about the list

I fully agree with Guenther Meinrath, I consider sending replies back to the list as a part of Netiquete and I was also very surprised, that this is not a case in CCL (it is actually the only list I am subscribed to where it is not common practise). The value of the list is not only in the actual mail communication, but also in its web archive, and if most the answers are not present there, it becomes almost useles. Why would someone need the archive full of questions without solutions?
 So, please, keep replying to the list in the future.
 Daniel Svozil, PhD
 Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
 and Center for Complex Molecular Systems and Biomolecules
 Czech Republic
 phone: +420-220 410 312
 rer wrote:
 Dear CCL list members,
 the communication about 'reflections on the list'
 meanwhile has generated some traffic. As a pretty
 recent member of the list, this discussion is a
 bit surprising to me. Being attached to several
 mailing lists, the CCL list is the only list whee
 this kind of discussion has arisen. In the other
 lists (e.g. RADCH-L, ENVIRON) the questions and
 responses are transfered to all subscribers. To
 identify interesting topics and enjoying an
 intelligent and meaningful discussion seems to be
 a main motivation to join a list. Imagine: reading
 an interesting question of a list member - and
 never getting to know the answers! For a
 scientist, this seems to me an efficient technique
of torture...
 Some days ago, I was looking for some information
 about including lanthanide ions into Gaussian98
 calculations. One of the hits in the search engine
 directed to 'server.ccl...'. The linked post in
 CCL was very intersting to me (doing Gaussian
 calculations as a kind of 'hobby'), especially
 because the person posting the question was kind
 enough to summarize the answers. Otherwise the
 responses would not have been available. May be
 the poster has aso received some answer that where
 not of interest to him - but possibly to me and
 other subscribers of the CCL list.
 If only the question would have been available,
 what help this post would offer to others (the
 community 'being the list')? In short: Replying to
 the list should be a natural choice.
 Dr. habil. Guenther Meinrath
 Technische Universitdt Bergakademie Freiberg
 Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
 Leipziger Str. 27
 D-09596 Freiberg
 RER Consultants Passau
 Schiesstattweg 3a
 D-94032 Passau
 Sivanesan Dakshanamurthy schrieb:
 I too agree with the Dr.Michel Petitjean, replying to the whole list is a good
 D.Sivanesan, Ph.D.
 E401, New Research Building,
 Macromolecular Core & Dept. of Oncology,
 Lombardi Cancer Center (NCI Comprehensive Cancer Center),
 Georgetown University, Washington DC 20057
 Phone: 202-687-2347
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