Re: CCL:Reflection about the list

Hi, I did the similar too. One ccl folder where contains ccl_in, ccl_save, and ccl_delete.
 ccl_in is where the files are filtered in.
ccl_delete is where the files will be deleted next week. Yao
Daniel A. Singleton writes:
I would like to point out that the old problem of getting too many emails from a list is no longer an issue for me, and I suspect this is true for many of the suscribers on the list. I filter everything with 'CCl' in the Subject line, putting it in a separate mailbox that I examine at my leisure. I use the CCl mailbox as a type of database, and it is more important to me that answers to questions be findable in the database than that I get fewer emails. Also, I will admit that the possibility that an easy question has already been answered by someone else has kept me from answering a great many questions - if someone else has already answered a question, why should I bother? So overall, I think the list would end up more useful to people if the responses went to the whole list. Dan Singleton
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