Re: CCL:absorbance spectra or colored compound prediction

For a great review see the chapter by Stefan Grimme in Vol 20 of Reviews in Computational Chemistry, and the references therein. This may be the best review available on the subject for ab initio based methods.
 John McKelvey
 Tarmo Tamm wrote:
 There are numerous examples of TDDFT producing unrealistic and
 unexpected results on various systems.  The system itselt should be well
 studied both experimentally and theoretically before extracting deep
 information from TDDFT results.
 Molecular Physics, Vol. 103, No. 6, 2005, 1057.
 should provide one example of the analysis of TDDFT performance.
 1057 1065
 On Jun 13, Rey Puiggros Oscar wrote:
 Hi Fred,
 depending on the size of your system my choice would be Time Dependent Density
 Functional Methods or ZINDO/S. The first one is quite accurate but it is more
 expensive, while ZINDO/S is semi-empirical and faster but with lower accuracy.
 Hope it helps,
 De: Computational Chemistry List en nombre de Fridiric Ooms
 Enviado el: dom 12/06/2005 11:01
 Para: chemistry =
 Asunto: CCL:absorbance spectra or colored compound prediction
 Dear colleagues,
 I am looking for a method to predict colored compounds or their absorbance
 spectra in UV-vis.
 Thanks for your suggestions
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