Hi Dr BorosyMay I ask how much ReflextX cost? I am also interested in buying one.Thanks.Huajun FanEmail: hjfan "at@at" pvamu.eduTel: (936) 857-2616Prairie View A&M UniversityChemistry DepartmentPO Box 4107Prairie View, TX 77446-4107
From: Computational Chemistry List on behalf of andras.borosy:at:givaudan.com
Sent: Wed 6/8/2005 5:15 AM
Subject: CCL:a secure Xterm emulatorDear Colleagues,
Thank you for the answers. I have ordered Reflection X, because that would
be easiest to use for my organic chemist colleagues.
Dr. Andras Borosy
Seniour Scientist
Delivery Systems, Fragrance Research
Givaudan Schweiz AG
Ueberlandstr. 138
8600 D|bendorf
tel: + 41-1-8242164
fax: +41-1-8242926
e-mail: andras.borosy:at:givaudan.com
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