CCL: Re: cactvs csed script request

 Hi Nathan,
I don't know how to do it with cactvs, but this is the way to do it with ChemAxon molconvert:
 molconvert smiles:u in.smiles >unique_out.smiles
molconvert, mview and msketch applications are free to everyone. You can download it from here:
For other uses and other ChemAxon products (e.g. the JChem Base might be relevant to you), you can apply for a free academic licence here:
 All the best,
 Nathan Haigh wrote:
im a bioinformatician working on a metabolomics project. I'm trying to get to grips with representing moleules as smiles for use in a database. I want to be able to convert smiles to unique smiles and have downloaded and installed cactvs.
Does anyone have a script that can do this conversion from the command line?
 Szabolcs Csepregi, PhD
 Cheminformatics Scientist, ChemAxon Ltd.
 Skype: szabolcs.csepregi
 Tel: +36 1 3878564   Cell: +36 20 4219863   Fax: +36 1 4532659