FRED 2.1 released - fast, effective docking of ligand within an active site

OpenEye is pleased to announce FRED 2.1, the latest release of an accurate and extremely fast docking program. For every ligand, FRED systematicly searches all possible poses within a protein active site, filtering for shape complementarity and pharmacophoric features before evaluating with several scoring functions.
 Key new features in FRED 2.1 include:
7 the use of multiple scoring functions during pose selection. This consensus pose selection significantly improves the likelihood that the ligand is placed in the correct binding mode; 7 a more accurate version of the ChemGauss scoring function with significantly better hydrogen-bond perception;
 7 customizable scoring functions and flexible consensus scoring methods;
 7 greatly expanded documentation; and
7 docking analysis tools for investigating how various parameter settings affect the reproduction of known structures of ligand-receptor complexes.
 For further information, please visit or contact
 business %a%
 George Vacek
 VP, Business Development
 OpenEye Scientific Software
 George Vacek
 VP, Business
 OpenEye Scientific Software
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 OpenEye recently announced the following software releases:
 FRED 2.1 - accurate and extremely fast docking search for ligand
 binding within a protein active site
 OEChem 1.3.3 - cheminformatics and 3D molecular data handling