Re: CCL:How to print overlap matrix in gaussian 03

 Write IOp(3/33=1) in the keywords. You'll get this matrix together with
 the kinetic energy, the potential energy and the  core hamiltonian matrices.
 renyanliang a (&crit :
 > Dear All:
 >     Now, I want to check the overlap integral matrix
 > (S) in the output file of the gaussian 03 program, who
 > can give me some advice to make gaussian 03 print this
 > matrix. or which program can print it.
 >    Best Wish!
  ***********           Dr. Nicolas Ferre'           ***********
  Laboratoire de Chimie Theorique et de Modelisation Moleculaire
  UMR 6517 - CNRS Universites Aix-Marseille             Case 521
  Centre de Saint-Jerome      13397 - Marseille Cedex 20, France
  Tel : (+33)              Fax : (+33)