RE: cycloketones

Try this book: Aldrich library of FT-IR spectra. Hopefully in a chem library near you.

--David Shobe, Ph.D., M.L.S.
Süd-Chemie, Inc.
phone (502) 634-7409
fax (502) 634-7724

Don't bother flaming me: I'm behind a firewall.

From: Computational Chemistry List [mailto:chemistry-request=atÌ] On Behalf Of talia
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 10:18 AM
Subject: CCL:cycloketones

Dear ccl
I want to compare expremental  of vibrational frequency for the molecules
 cyclopropanone,cyclobutanone,cyclopentanone,.....and cyclooctanone with result of the gaussian .
How I can recognize and assignment frequency?because I do not have expremental data for this compare.
please help me.

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