CCL: Dual core processor

 Sent to CCL by: Marcel Torok [mtorok{}]
 Dear CCL'ers,
 has somebody experience with dual core processor solutions for
 computational chemistry, mainly G03 and GAMESS? Are there some
 computation benchmarks comparing them with standard SMP configurations?
 Thank you
 RNDr. Marcel Torok, PhD.
 Katedra organickej chemie
 Ustav chemickych vied, Prirodovedecka fakulta
 Universita P.J Safarika
 Moyzesova 11
 SK-041 54 Kosice
 Tel.:  +421 (0)55 62 283 32
 FAX:   +421 (0)55 62 221 24
 email:  mtorok{}