CCL: input structure creation/editing

 Sent to CCL by: john furr [john.furr|a|]
 --Replace strange characters with the "at" sign to recover email
 Dynamol has a molecular editor.  Not sure if that is what you are
 looking for or not?
 On 9/21/05, CCL <owner-chemistry|a|> wrote:
 > Dear CCLers,
 > which program running under GNU/Linux would you recommend for the creation
 > and editing of the input structures
 > for the quantum-chemical calculations? Molden is good for inputs using
 > Z-matrices, but is very inconvenient for the free-hand
 "fine-tuning" of the
 > guess structures, say for the transition states. Ghemical is not bad but
 > development seem to be stopped.
 > Something as simple as the editor built-in in WebMO would be good...
 > Thank you.
 > Best regards,
 >    Konstantin Ivanov