CCL: Is CASSCF appropriate for study of PES?

Thanks for your kind reply!
I need to study all possible reaction pathways of a small molecular system for example:
A --> B + C
A --> D + E
D + E --> F + G
F + G --> H
H --> A
And then I need to get the relative energies of local minima and transition states (TS)
of the above reactions.
Different sigma bonds are broken and/or formed in the above reactions, which
makes it hard to choose the active space for every reaction consistently.
However I need to get the relative energies right, at least within 2 kcal/mol accuracy.
CCSD(T) or QCISD(T) does not do well for TS structures with streching bonds.
That's why I resort to the CAS methods.  I plan to use the full valence active space,
but still choosing the "correct" virtual orbitals is not easy especially for transition states.
What do you think?
Thanks again,
On 11/20/05, errol lewars <owner-chemistry^> wrote:
Sent to CCL by: errol lewars [elewars(!)]
2005 Nov 20

If your reaction is A--> B size-consistency (SC) should not be a
problem. If it is A--> B + C, e.g. the energy of a dimer compared to the
separated monomers, you have to worry about  SC.

"No good way... virtual orbitals". CASSCF is not a model chemistry (see
e.g. Foresman and Frisch, "Exploring Chemistry with Electronic
Structutre Methods", so there in no _automatic_ way to choose the MOs of
the active space. But people still use CASSCF and get useful results.

E. Lewars

Yingbin Ge^ wrote:

>Sent to CCL by: Yingbin Ge []![]
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>Content-Disposition: inline
>Hi CCLers,
> I am studying the PES of a small molecule and wondering
>whether CASSCF or CASPT2//CASSCF is an appropriate
>method for the PES study since these methods are not
>size consistent. Another downside of using CAS is that there
>is no good way of choosing virtual orbitals into the active space.
> Any comments?
> Thanks a lot!
>Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>Content-Disposition: inline
><div>Hi CCLers,</div>
><div>I am studying the PES of a small molecule and wondering</div>
><div>whether CASSCF or CASPT2//CASSCF is an appropriate</div>
><div>method for the PES study since these methods are not</div>
><div>size consistent. Another downside of using CAS&nbsp;is that there</div=
><div>is no good way of choosing virtual orbitals into the active space.</di=
><div>Any comments?</div>
><div>Thanks a lot!</div>

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