From Wed May 3 04:12:01 2006 From: "Barry Hardy barry.hardy^^^" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Drug Discovery Advanced Training Week, 3-7 July 2006, Oxford Message-Id: <> X-Original-From: Barry Hardy Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=====================_9830525==_.ALT" Date: Wed, 03 May 2006 10:00:33 +0200 Mime-Version: 1.0 Sent to CCL by: Barry Hardy [barry.hardy#,] --=====================_9830525==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Latest Advances in Drug Discovery Design & Planning Methods, a Hands-on 5=20 Day eCheminfo Advanced Training Workshop Week, takes place 3-7 July 2006;=20 Chemistry Research Laboratory, Oxford University, Oxford, UK You can download a copy of the Program from the Cheminfostream Blog: pdf A bursary of value =A31000 will be used to support the attendance of one=20 academic participant, who may be working in any area of chemistry related=20 to drug discovery. To apply for the bursary please send an email with a) a= =20 description of your research; your training needs (ca. 500 words), b) your= =20 CV to echeminfo [at] by 12 May. The recipient of the=20 award will be selected based on an evaluation of the potential impact of=20 the training on their research and will be notified by 19 May. We=20 gratefully acknowledge the sponsorship support of Lhasa Ltd. Academic participants are eligible for a 30% academic discount. Places are= =20 limited so please register early to ensure a place. Further information is available at: We will use the Chemistry Information Technology Center at the Chemistry=20 Research Laboratory at Oxford University for all workshop sessions. The IT= =20 classroom can be viewed in 3D at: best regards Barry Hardy eCheminfo Community of Practice Douglas Connect, Switzerland +41 61 851 0170 (office) --=====================_9830525==_.ALT Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Latest Advances in Drug Discovery Design & Planning Methods, a Hands-on 5 Day eCheminfo Advanced Training Workshop Week, takes place 3-7 July 2006; Chemistry Research Laboratory, Oxford University, Oxford, UK

You can download a copy of the Program from the Cheminfostream=20 Blog: ogramOxford06-v7web.pdf

A bursary of value =A31000 will be used to support the attendance of one academic participant, who may be working in any area of chemistry related to drug discovery.  To apply for the bursary please send an email with a) a description of your research; your training needs (ca. 500 words), b) your CV to echeminfo [at] by 12 May.  The recipient of the award will be selected based on an evaluation of the potential impact of the training on their research and will be notified by 19 May.  We gratefully acknowledge the sponsorship support of Lhasa Ltd.

Academic participants are eligible for a 30% academic discount.  Places are limited so please register early to ensure a place.

Further information is available at:

We will use the Chemistry Information Technology Center at the Chemistry Research Laboratory at Oxford University for all workshop sessions.  The IT classroom can be viewed in 3D at:

best regards
Barry Hardy
eCheminfo Community of Practice

Douglas Connect, Switzerland
+41 61 851 0170 (office) --=====================_9830525==_.ALT--