CCL:G: does a raid improve the performance of gaussian for windows?
- From: Jozsef Csontos <jozsefcsontos]=[>
- Subject: CCL:G: does a raid improve the performance of gaussian for
- Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 10:41:55 -0500
Sent to CCL by: Jozsef Csontos [jozsefcsontos]-[]
first of all, I have no experience with your planned configuration
(gaussian, windows and intel), but I have got some experience in using
gaussian on amd linux cluster. So, the followings are just thoughts:
I would check the price/performance ratio of both intel-dual-core and
amd-opteron-dual-core. (Last time, amd was better.)
Considering raid, your gaussian scratch partition should be a raid 0
disk (two identical scsi or sata or ide drives - striping). This means
optimally you need at least 3 disks 1 for the system and 2 for the raid.
There is no redundancy at this raid level, but there is no need for
that. What you need is speed. Taking into consideration the low price of
hard disks, probably it is worth its price and you get improved
By the way, the hardware raid solution should be better for you.
Best wishes,
On Mon, 2006-07-24 at 16:59 -0400, Silvina C. Pellegrinet
pellegrinet[A] wrote:
> Sent to CCL by: "Silvina C. Pellegrinet"
> Hello!
> I'd be grateful if anyone could send me any information regarding the
performance of gaussian for windows in a PC using a raid of two disks. Is it
worth spending the money in two disks? what kind of raid should this be?
> The other main components i'm planning to buy include Intel D820 Dual core
processor, Intel motherboard and 2x1GB DDR 400MHz RAM.
> Thank you very much in advance for your help!
> Regards
> Silvina>
Jozsef Csontos, Ph.D.
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Creighton University,
Omaha, NE