CCL: Lanthanum Basis sets + 28 Core ECP

 Sent to CCL by: Mikael Johansson [mikael.johansson*]
 On Thu, 8 Feb 2007, CCL CCL wrote:
 I'm Looking for a basis set and ecp, that supports 28 core and 21 active
 electrons for lanthanum to be used in turbomole calculations. Is there any
 that you come across. If so, please keep me informed.
A 28 e core ECP can be found in X. Cao, M. Dolg, J. Chem. Phys. 115 (2001) 7348-7355. I copy/pasted in in TM format below. No EHT, though.
 Have a nice day,
     Mikael J.
 la ecp-28-mwb-2001
 # la    (14s13p10d8f6g) / [10s8p5d4f3g]     {5111111111/61111111/61111/5111/411}
 # X. Cao, M. Dolg, J. Chem. Phys. 115 (2001) 7348-7355
     5  s
        60228.6130         0.300000000E-05
        7142.41900         0.350000000E-04
        1034.30510         0.329000000E-03
        563.442700        -0.106000000E-03
        123.553200         0.328000000E-02
     1  s
        34.5544000          1.00000000
     1  s
        24.6330000          1.00000000
     1  s
        11.2660000          1.00000000
     1  s
        2.90620000          1.00000000
     1  s
        1.54330000          1.00000000
     1  s
       0.567200000          1.00000000
     1  s
       0.253900000          1.00000000
     1  s
       0.467000000E-01      1.00000000
     1  s
       0.200000000E-01      1.00000000
     6  p
        3966.35470         0.400000000E-05
        1143.92800         0.330000000E-04
        446.997700         0.340000000E-04
        229.546600         0.362000000E-03
        27.3267000        -0.713600000E-02
        19.4864000         0.206654000
     1  p
        13.9024000          1.00000000
     1  p
        4.23610000          1.00000000
     1  p
        2.29360000          1.00000000
     1  p
        1.12580000          1.00000000
     1  p
       0.527900000          1.00000000
     1  p
       0.229200000          1.00000000
     1  p
       0.800000000E-01      1.00000000
     6  d
        367.715700         0.740000000E-04
        113.576800         0.612000000E-03
        33.5588000         0.768700000E-02
        14.4198000        -0.765100000E-01
        7.31590000         0.151754000
        3.94830000         0.421873000
     1  d
        2.01500000          1.00000000
     1  d
       0.958100000          1.00000000
     1  d
       0.310900000          1.00000000
     1  d
       0.954000000E-01      1.00000000
     5  f
        124.797100         0.115000000E-02
        43.9427000         0.143330000E-01
        19.2668000         0.625940000E-01
        8.48930000         0.164000000
        3.76720000         0.285863000
     1  f
        1.59020000          1.00000000
     1  f
       0.609800000          1.00000000
     1  f
       0.197300000          1.00000000
     4  g
        19.2668000        -0.211800000E-02
        8.48930000         0.267090000E-01
        3.76720000        -0.296670000E-01
        1.59020000         0.282785000
     1  g
       0.609800000          1.00000000
     1  g
       0.197300000          1.00000000
 la ecp-28-mwb-2001
 # X. Cao, M. Dolg, J. Chem. Phys. 115 (2001) 7348-7355
    ncore =  28   lmax =   5
         0.00000000   2          1.00000000
       585.20195300   2         19.44141800
       330.10951000   2         16.01635300
       186.05823200   2         15.12825900
       -49.43335200   2         23.10387500
       -20.12302000   2         15.63902000