CCL: ACS Boston - "Emerging Technologies in Computational Chemistry" competition symposium is now open for entries!

 Sent to CCL by: "Curt M. Breneman" [brenec()]
 2007 Competition Symposium on "Emerging Technologies in Computational
 $1,000 prize to be awarded at the ACS national meeting, Boston, MA.
 The Computers in Chemistry Division (COMP) of the ACS will hold the eighth
 annual Symposium on Emerging Technologies in Computational Chemistry at the
 American Chemical Society National Meeting, Boston, MA, August 19-23,
 The objective of the symposium is to stimulate, reward, and publicize major
 methodological advances in computational chemistry.
 The talks will be evaluated by a Panel of Experts on the quality of the
 presentation and the impact that the research will have on the future of
 computational chemistry and allied sciences. The symposium is ideal for
 presenting your latest and best research on new techniques, applications and
 software development. Schrodinger, Inc. sponsors the $1,000 award for the
 best talk at the symposium.
 All are invited to participate. To enter the competition, you should submit
 a regular short ACS abstract via prior to the OAsys
 deadline. It is also necessary to email a long (~1,000-word) abstract to the
 organizer. The presentations must be original, novel and concise. After
 receipt, the long abstracts will be evaluated by experts to determine which
 individuals will be selected to give oral presentations at the symposium.
 Finalists will be notified well in advance of the meeting. Presentations
 submitted through OAsys that cannot be part of the Emerging Technologies
 Symposium will be rescheduled in another appropriate COMP session at the
 Boston meeting.
 Inquiries and applications should sent to:
 Prof. Curt M. Breneman
 Director, RECCR Center for Cheminformatics Research
 Department of Chemistry
 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
 Troy, NY 12180