From Wed Jun 13 08:42:01 2007 From: "Wolfgang Quapp quapp-*" To: CCL Subject: CCL:G: Wilson B matrix in Gaussian Message-Id: <-34471-070613040238-11021-7eLbUZAueechymmo1cTGpA#,> X-Original-From: "Wolfgang Quapp" Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2007 04:02:35 -0400 Sent to CCL by: "Wolfgang Quapp" [quapp]*[] Dear ALL, I try to include Gaussian03 into a calculation of a reaction path. I have to use z-matrix coordinates (non redundant) of a given structure for the input. I need in the output file: energy, gradient, Hessian, and (non-massweighted) metric-matrix G, or the Wilson B-matrix in the given internal curvilinear coordinates being z-matrix-coordinates. I tested the IOp(1/33=2) or IOp(1/33=3) which gives a B matrix in "full" redundant coordinates, however, only 12 lines (?) for every sort of molecule. However, it does not include in the set of the "full" redundant coordinates all the pre-given z-matrix coordinates. Thats why, it is not possible, that I simple delete some lines of the "full" G-matrix because at least one internal coodinate of the given Z-matrix is missing in the so-called "full"-redundant internals. Because it is possible to obtain gradient and Hessian in the given Z-Matrix coordinates, using opt=(Z-Matrix,CALCALL), it has to be a procedure inside Gaussian which uses the true B-Matrix. Is there any possibility to get the desired values being an external user? With many thanks for your help in advance Wolfgang Quapp quapp a