CCL: new Chimera release
- From: "Elaine Meng" <meng ~>
- Subject: CCL: new Chimera release
- Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 14:48:28 -0400
Sent to CCL by: "Elaine Meng" [meng^]
Hello everyone,
A new production release of UCSF Chimera (1.2422) is available from
Chimera is free for noncommercial use, includes full documentation,
and is available for several platforms including Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Here are just a few of the changes in the last year or so:
- embedded POV-Ray for making glossy, shadowed images; labels included
- ability to supersample or raytrace when recording movies
- presets for interactive use and publication image scenarios
- more input formats: MDL MOL/SDF, CIF/mmCIF, Gromacs trajectories
- more Fetch by ID types:
EDS (fo-fc) electron density difference map
PQS predicted biological unit
VIPERdb viral capsid structures
- can morph between homologs as well as different conformations
- interactive clash/contact detection
- partial charge assignment:
Amber (Cornell et al.) for standard residues
embedded Antechamber to calculate charges for nonstandard residues
- sequence alignment viewer allows sequence addition, deletion, reordering
- can optimize overlay of density maps
- Side View includes "top view" for adjusting stereo params
- session files smaller, restore faster
- improved preferences handling
- updates to handle new atom/res naming conventions in remediated PDB
For more details on recent changes, see:
Best Regards,
Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D. meng^
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab and Babbitt Lab
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of California, San Francisco