CCL:G: FW: [Fwd: Transition state optimization]

Dear sirs,
 Can you help me ?
 I would like to calculate and optimize the transition state of compound in the
 gaussview software. I used the funtions: OPT=(ModRedundant, TS) and
 Opt=(CalFC,TS) Freq, but exist the following error in both situations.
 Error termination request processed by link 9999.ror termination request
 processed by link 9999.
 > Error termination via Lnk1e in
 /opt/Gaussian_03-D.01-AN-pgi5.2-3/g03/l9999.exe at Fri Dec  7 16:44:29 2007
 How can I resolve this problem ?
 Many thanks,
 Elsa Costa
 -----Mensagem original-----
 De: ccl]*[ [mailto:ccl]*[]
 Enviada: sábado, 8 de Dezembro de 2007 02:16
 Para: elsa costa
 Assunto: [Fwd: Transition state optimization]
 Dear Elsa,
 You addressed your email to the CCL Administrator rather than CCL Subscribers.
 Please read the instructions available from CCL Home Page (top left navigation
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 chemistry]*[ Jan
 ---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
 Subject: Transition state optimization
 > From:    "elsa costa" <elsa.costa]*[>
 Date:    Fri, December 7, 2007 9:17 am
 To:      chemistry-request]*[
Title: Transition state optimization

Dear sirs,

Can you help me ?

I would like to calculate and optimize the transition state of compound in the gaussview software and I used the funtion: OPT=(ModRedundant, TS), but exist an error. How can I resolve this problem ?

Many Thanks,

Elsa Costa