Sent to CCL by: Debellis Anthony CE US [anthony.debellisHello Oscar,
One possibility would be to locate the transition state with the methyl group
removed, then add back the methyl to the resulting TS structure followed by a
further TS optimization.
Anthony DeBellis
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-chemistry^^ [mailto:owner-chemistry^^]
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 12:05 PM
To: Debellis Anthony CE US
Subject: CCL:G: Problems finding TS
Sent to CCL by: Oscar Odio Chacón []
Hello, CCLers:
I´m trying to calculate the transition state of a radical
addition reaction to an olefin using Gaussian 98. The problem arises because the
output negative frequency does not correspond with vibrational motion of the
bond formed in the product, but corresponds to a motion associated with a methyl
group near the radical. So, what can I do?
Remove the methyl group?
In my opinion, this methyl group would have influence in the transition state
The overall system contains 47 atoms, 415 basis functions, 707 primitive
gaussians, 70 alpha electrons, 69 beta electrons. The command line was #
b3lyp/6-31g(d,p) opt=(modredundant, TS, noeigentest) freq.
Thanks in advance.
Oscar Odio
Lic. Oscar Odio Chacón
Laboratorio de Polímeros
"Al mundo nuevo corresponde la Universidad nueva"
280 aniversario
Participe en Universidad 2008 del 11 al 15 de febrero del 2008.
Palacio de Convenciones. La Habana. Cuba.