CCL:G: what program can calculate the electrical properties of polymers

 Sent to CCL by: "Wei  WANG" [wangwei[a]]
 Dear CCLers,
 Could you please advice me what program can calculate the electrical properties
 of polymers, especially the high polymers? The electrical properties of polymers
 refers to the behavior and the various physical phenomena of polymers under the
 externally applied electric field, such as polarizations, dielectric constants,
 dielectric losses, dielectric breakdowns, dielectric strengths, electrostatic
 phenomena, conductivities. We have been doing experiments mainly on the high
 polymers films, and at present we are trying to do some calculations. Could you
 please tell me what program can calculate one or some of the electrical
 properties of polymers? Whether the Gaussian 03 program can calculate the
 polymers' electrical properties or not?
 Best regards,