CCL: simulation period

Hi Izwan,

First, you are never sure that you found the global minimum, especially for very large molecules such biological ones. At least you can check whether you got a local minimum or a local maximum.

The best way to see if your system is equilibrated is to glance at the energy vs time step. If the energy is fluctuating around a constant value over the simulation, then the system is equilibrated. You can check this by performing block averages of the energy.

Hope this help,

izwan zainurul zainurulizwan80|-| wrote:

Hai all,


I had done molecular dynamics to find global minimum for cyclodextrin complex. I used Chem3D program to run my molecular dynamics. How do I know I run simulation period adequately? Thanks you.


- Izwan

 Dr. Pascal Boulet, Computational Chemist
 University of Provence
 Laboratoire Chimie Provence, UMR6264
 Centre Saint-Jerome, case MADIREL
 F-13397 MARSEILLE Cedex 20, France
 Tel. +33 (0) 491 63 71 17 Fax. +33 (0) 491 63 71 11