CCL:G: Optimization with imaginary frequency

 Sent to CCL by: "Sten Nilsson Lill" [stenil+*]
 Hello René and Flavio,
 you can do something similar with the Chemcraft program
 ( When animating the imaginary
 frequency in
 the program you can freeze the structure at the "end-points" of the
 vibration and thus get two sets of new coordinates for starting
 calculations for finding the two minima on each side of the TS.
 Hope this helps,
 > Sent to CCL by: René Kanters []
 > Hi Flavio,
 > I hacked together a little perl scrip that will look at the first set
 > frequency information in a gaussian calculation and generate a new
 > set of xyz coordinates in which the structure is moved along a
 > vibrational coordinate for a certain amount (see the command line
 > arguments in the script below).
 > Note that it may be necessary, depending on the symmetry of the
 > saddlepoint you got to create a new input with going in the positive
 > and another one in the negative direction of the imaginary frequency
 > since you can't be sure which one will lead you to a lower minimum.
 > I hope this helps.
 > René
 > PS it's not pretty (I am not a perl programmer), but it has worked
 > for me.
 > #! /usr/bin/perl
 > ###############################################
 > # script to take a gaussian log file output and generate structure
 > # information (cartesian) for a new structure with a displacement
 > # along a frequency coordinate in the direction along the '-v' vibration
 > # for a displacement of '-d' times the vibrational vector
 > #
 > # command line arguments:
 > #
 > # -h        : prints help and quits.
 > # -d float  : displacement along vibrational mode default 0.1
 > # -v int    : vibration number to use default 1
 > # required : filename (only sees last one)
 > ################################################
 > #
 > $test = 0;  # for debugging purposes (prints out extra stuff)
 > # set up the defaults
 > $vibration = 1;
 > $displacement = 0.1;
 > $file = "";
 > # 'constants' not using the 'use constant NAME => value;' method.
 > $C_STRUCTURE = "Standard orientation:";
 > $C_ENDSTRUCTURE = "---------";
 > $C_FREQUENCY = "Frequencies --";
 > while ($#ARGV >= 0) {
 >    if ($ARGV[0] eq "-d")    { $displacement = $ARGV[1]; shift
 ]*[ARGV; }
 >    elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-v") { $vibration = $ARGV[1]; shift
 ]*[ARGV; }
 >    elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-h") { &usage(); exit;}
 >    else { $file = $ARGV[0];}
 >    shift ]*[ARGV;
 > }
 > if ($file eq "") { &usage(); exit;}
 > open(IN,$file) || die "Could not open file '$file'.\n";
 > while (1) {
 >    # read until I get a structure (should happen first) or a frequency
 >    until ($_ = <IN>, $_ =~ /$C_STRUCTURE/ or $_ =~ /$C_FREQUENCY/ or
 > eof) { }
 >    if ($_ =~ /$C_STRUCTURE/) {  # READ THE STRUCTURE
 >      $nat = -1;   # reset the atom index counter : only need last
 > structure
 >      $at = ();    # clear out the arrays of atomnumber, x, y and z
 >      $x = ();
 >      $y = ();
 >      $z = ();
 >      skiplines(4); # position read line to first atom in the list
 >      while ($_ = <IN> and not $_ =~ /$C_ENDSTRUCTURE/ ) {
 >        ]*[tokens = split(' ', $_);
 >        $nat++;
 >        $at[$nat] = $tokens[1];
 >        $xind = $#tokens - 2; # needed if the atomic type is missing
 > (happens sometimes).
 >        $x[$nat] = $tokens[$xind];
 >        $y[$nat] = $tokens[$xind+1];
 >        $z[$nat] = $tokens[$xind+2];
 >      }
 >      # since there are three vibrations per line, I can determine how
 >      # many of these I need to skip before I can read the frequency I
 > need.
 >      $skipsize = 4 + ($nat+1) + 3;  # skip rest header, vibrations
 > and start header
 >      for ($i=0; $i<int($vibration/3); $i++) { skiplines($skipsize); }
 >      skiplines(4);
 >      $xind = 2 + (($vibration-1) % 3) * 3; # position in the tokens
 > of vib vector
 >      if ($test eq 1) { print "vibration = $vibration, xind =
 $xind\n"; }
 >      for ($i=0;$i<=$nat;$i++) {
 >        $_ = <IN>;
 >        ]*[tokens = split(' ',$_);
 >        if ($test eq 1 ) {
 >          print "input $_";
 >          print "($x[$i],$y[$i],$z[$i]) + $displacement x ($tokens
 > [$xind],$tokens[$xind+1],$tokens[$xind+2])\n";
 >        }
 >        printf "%4d  % .6f  % .6f  % .6f\n",$at[$i], $x[$i]+
 > $displacement*$tokens[$xind], $y[$i]+$displacement*$tokens[$xind+1],
 > $z[$i]+$displacement*$tokens[$xind+2];
 >      }
 >      exit; # AND WE ARE DONE!!!!
 >    } elsif (eof) { close IN; exit; }
 > }
 > ##################################################
 > # skiplines : argument n: number of lines to skip
 > ##################################################
 > sub skiplines {
 >    local $n, $i;
 >    $n = shift(]*[_);
 >    for ($i=0;$i<$n;$i++) { <IN> || die "skiplines encountered
 EOF."; }
 > }
 > ##################################################
 > # usage prints a message about how to use sp2g03
 > ##################################################
 > sub usage {
 > print <<ENDUSAGE;
 > Usage: nfreq [-h] [-d displacement] [-v vibrationnnumber] filename
 > -d : displacement step along vibrational mode default 0.1
 > -v : index of vibrational mode to follow default 1
 > -h : prints this help
 > Will create the structure '-d' along the '-v'th vibrational mode of
 > the stucture.
 > }
 > On Jul 23, 2008, at 3:39 PM, flavio forti
 > wrote:
 >> Sent to CCL by: "flavio  forti" [fforti^_^]
 >> Hi everybody. I am trying to optimize a large set of histamine
 >> monocation  conformers in solution (PCM) with B3LYP/6-31G*. I had
 >> some which converged to a saddle point (1 imaginary frequency) but
 >> finally, after several reoptimizations with CalcFC they arrived to
 >> a minimum. But there is one still resisting. CalcAll would be to
 >> expensive, what do you suggest?
 >> thanks
 >> flavio
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 Ph. D. Sten Nilsson Lill
 Dep. of Chemistry
 Göteborg University
 Kemigården 4
 S-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
 Phone: +46-31-772 2901
 Fax: +46-31-772 3840
 Alternative e-mail: