CCL:G: termination failure when calculating the single point energy
- From: "Ol Ga" <eurisco1^>
- Subject: CCL:G: termination failure when calculating the single
point energy
- Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 12:32:31 -0400
Sent to CCL by: "Ol Ga" [eurisco1 :]
Dear Dong Fang!
I have achieved the convergence (please see below the right answer) in SCF 1
very fast.
The correct route seection is
#p rob3lyp/6-311++g(2df,2p) sp scf=(vshift=100,tight,maxcycle=512)
the archive section is
2008|0||#P ROB3LYP/6-311++G(2DF,2P) SP SCF=(VSHIFT=100,TIGHT)||GN||1,2
8e-010|Dipole=0.3717363,0.2861733,0.0000715|PG=C01 [X(C2H2N4S1)]||+*+
Ol Ga
> Sent to CCL by: "Dong Fang" [fangzhengjuzhe]![]
> After 129cycles , the job stopped with showing the following
line:Convergence failure -- run terminated.
> Fllowing are the coordiatesobtained from the b3lyp/6-31+g* optimization
without imaginary frequency) and methods used in caculating the single point
> No.1
> N 0.242495 -1.154337 -0.000279
> C -0.493856 -0.003331 -0.000307
> C 2.199339 0.005971 0.000418
> N 1.489904 -1.139241 0.000147
> H 3.281157 0.007813 -0.000673
> N 1.484761 1.144348 0.000236
> N 0.232496 1.155344 -0.000536
> S -2.206353 -0.082985 0.000115
> H -2.360017 1.261310 0.001190
> No.2
> N -0.212199 -1.149311 -0.000403
> C 0.504977 0.024785 0.000075
> C -1.525031 1.124235 0.000009
> C -2.235284 -0.110641 0.000081
> N -1.443543 -1.173021 0.000164
> H -2.065966 2.070024 -0.000931
> H -3.312531 -0.223283 0.000801
> N -0.212775 1.154543 -0.000050
> S 2.225101 -0.073180 0.000041
> H 2.388520 1.268380 0.000502
> No3
> N -1.432871 -1.116161 -0.000078
> C 0.478066 0.025252 -0.000618
> C -1.556660 1.082156 -0.000115
> N -2.217085 -0.136704 0.001503
> H -2.177607 1.973435 0.000119
> N -0.194935 -1.201448 -0.001039
> N -0.253537 1.144458 -0.001079
> S 2.187213 -0.046630 0.000488
> H 2.342768 1.297178 0.001312
> The charge and multiply of them is 1,2 respectively.
> #p rob3lyp/6-311++g(2df,2p) sp scf=tight
> I have tried to increase the maxcycle,(because the DFT are RO, Icannot use
QC),and change the initial guess but they all doesnot work. what should I do?