CCL:G: ESP-derived-charge error messages

 Sent to CCL by: "Siamkhanthang  Neihsial" [sktn06*]
 Dear all,
  I was trying to run an ESP-derived charge calculation in Gaussian 03 for my
 sytem at single point calculation at MP2/6-311++G(d,p) pop=mk iop(6/33=2)
 iop(6/42=6)level on the optimized geometry calculated at the level of
 B3LYP/6-31g(d,p). My system is a novel base-pair consisting of 85 atoms,
 including six N atoms, four P atoms,twenty three O atoms.  The sugar is a
 D-allopyranose .I got the following error messages--, " Erroneous write:
 write -1 instead of 4096, fd=4, orig len=4096 left=4096, g-write, "
 Can any one tell me the significance of this messages and how to solve it ? .
 Ofcourse, when I used B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) the job terminated normally.
 Thanks in advance,
 Siamkhanthang Neihsial,
 Deptt. of Chemistry,
 NEHU, Shillong(India)