CCL: Raman intensity Vs Static polarizability

 Sent to CCL by: favaro [laurent.favaro|*|]
 Raman intensity is related to the square
 of the derivative of polarizability with respect
 to the normal coordinates of the vibrationnal mode.
 Best regards,
 Dr Favaro
 Mi Yang a écrit :
 Sent to CCL by: "Mi  Yang" [miyang3790*]
 Dear CCL users,
 I need some comments or refs about my problem. I am studying the interaction of
 a metal with a boron cluster. I found the large increase of static
 polarizability and hyperpolarizability upon interaction of metal atom to that
 boron cluster. I also calculated the Raman spectrum which also showed high
 increase of intensity in metal boron cluster. I read some indirect relationship
 b/m these two properties but now in spite of my best efforts I could not find
 the direct relationship between Static polarizability and Raman intensity.
 Anybody who knows any ref or comments about this relationship (Static
 polarizability/hyperpolarizability and Raman intensity) would be highly