CCL: Transition Dipole Moments in Gaussian

 Sent to CCL by: "Roman D Gorbunov" [rgorbuno+/]
 Dear Jianping Wang,
 Thank you for your answer. However I cannot find the "electric
 components" in my output file. You mean "electric components" of
 what? And in which form they are given? In my output file I have date in the
 following form:
  Dipole derivatives wrt mode   1: -1.63752D-01  7.85856D-01 -1.21676D+00
  Vibrational polarizability contributions from mode   1       3.6068932
 83.0704853     199.1454278
  Vibrational hyperpolarizability contributions from mode   1       0.0000000
 0.0000000       0.0000000
  Dipole derivatives wrt mode   2:  1.93037D-02 -2.30767D-01 -5.74025D-01
  Vibrational polarizability contributions from mode   2       0.0340628
 4.8679462      30.1203643
  Vibrational hyperpolarizability contributions from mode   2       0.0000000
 0.0000000       0.0000000
 And so on.
 After that block I have the "normal mode analysis" part:
  Diagonal vibrational polarizability:
       236.0712999     407.3173318     444.4658897
  Harmonic frequencies (cm**-1), IR intensities (KM/Mole), Raman scattering
  activities (A**4/AMU), depolarization ratios for plane and unpolarized
  incident light, reduced masses (AMU), force constants (mDyne/A),
  and normal coordinates:
                            1         2         3         4         5
                            A         A         A         A         A
        Frequencies ---    14.1444   17.1580   28.2750   30.5759   40.1941
     Reduced masses ---     6.0969    7.0568    5.8666    6.4246    6.5633
    Force constants ---     0.0007    0.0012    0.0028    0.0035    0.0062
     IR Intensities ---     2.1249    0.3831    2.1005    0.1977    4.3406
 So, I do not see there something like "electric components".
 Thank you for your help,