CCL: PDB file format : List of atom name / element type correspondance

 Sent to CCL by: Hannes Loeffler []
 On Thu, 2009-03-05 at 06:55 -0500, Peter Schmidtke
 pschmidtke^ wrote:
 > Sent to CCL by: "Peter  Schmidtke" [pschmidtke**]
 > Dear CCL subscribers,
 > I am looking for a list of atom names that occur in PDB files and
 > their corresponding elements. Normally the PDB file convention says
 > that the element has to be given explicitely in the column 77-78.
 I am not quite sure about this but I think metals may be indicated by
 different alignment.  CA=C-alpha for example starts at column 14 whereas
 a CA=calcium starts from column 13.  But this may be just a convention
 followed by some and not in the standard...