CCL: Banquo atoms Vs. Dummy atoms

 Sent to CCL by: Herbert Fruchtl [herbert.fruchtl]~[]
 Ghost atoms do have basis functions, they just don't have electrons. You need
 them mainly for counterpoise calculations.
 Antonio G. De Crisci wrote:
 > Sent to CCL by: "Antonio G. De Crisci"
 > Hi all,
 > Can someone tell me if ghost atoms (Bq) are as innocent as dummy atoms (X)?
 Im aware that Bq atoms dont have basis functions, but does this make it as
 innocent as dummy atoms? If so, why would you need Bq atoms?
 > Thanks,
 > Anthony>
 Herbert Fruchtl
 Senior Scientific Computing Officer
 School of Chemistry, School of Mathematics and Statistics
 University of St Andrews
 The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland:
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