CCL: Computational Chemistry - Arm chair Scientists !!!
- From: "Soumya Samineni"
- Subject: CCL: Computational Chemistry - Arm chair Scientists
- Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 01:22:39 -0400
Sent to CCL by: "Soumya Samineni" [soumya_samineni|*|]
Dear all,
With the ever increasing computational power, there has been an enormous
growth in the theoretical/computational chemistry ( personally i feel the word
"Theoretical Chemistry" has been abused by considering it as an
alternative word for "Computational chemsitry" by people practising
computational chemistry). while people doing computational chemistry are also
growing like mushrooms and the volume of pages occupied by it has also exploded,
the number of people doing the theoretical chemistry (analytical) is dwindling
with time.
Any ways: It would be nice to hear comments from the leading (and novice)
experts of computational and theoretical chemistry regarding the general feeling
of the experimental community (who consider that they toil pretty hard
physically for every bit of the sentence they write .. ) that we are "Arm
chair scientists", who like to quench our thirst for science sitting before
a computer all through the day and gulping loads of liquids !!
I hope a small debate would make things more clear.